The future of Black, queer, and trans liberation explored by a legendary transgender elder and activist. Miss Major Griffin-Gracy is a veteran of the infamous Stonewall Riots, a former sex worker, and a transgender elder and activist who survived Bellevue psychiatric hospital, New York's jail system, and the HIV/AIDS crisis.
For over fifty years, she has been on the front lines of struggles for queer liberation. In this brilliant and moving conversation with Toshio Meronek, she presents a remarkable life -- told with intimacy, warmth, and an irresistable levity -- and a road map for those navigating the challenges Black, brown, queer and trans youth face.
The future of Black, queer, and trans liberation explored by a legendary transgender elder and activist. Miss Major Griffin-Gracy is a veteran of the infamous Stonewall Riots, a former sex worker, and a transgender elder and activist who survived Bellevue psychiatric hospital, New York's jail system, and the HIV/AIDS crisis.
For over fifty years, she has been on the front lines of struggles for queer liberation. In this brilliant and moving conversation with Toshio Meronek, she presents a remarkable life -- told with intimacy, warmth, and an irresistable levity -- and a road map for those navigating the challenges Black, brown, queer and trans youth face.