Title: Laid Back
Description: “Laid Back” is a handmade, original, limited edition linocut print. This print mixes bold linework and geometric patterns with the sensual curves of the male form that extend beyond the frame. A perfect print for those looking for a subtle homoerotic linocut print celebrating queer love and the male body. The linocut was hand-carved and printed using Speedball Professional Block Printing Ink on beautiful Arches Velin BFK Rives (300gsm) printmaking paper with a deckled edge.
Materials: Linocut Print
Date: 2022
Size: 8” x 10”
Title: Laid Back
Description: “Laid Back” is a handmade, original, limited edition linocut print. This print mixes bold linework and geometric patterns with the sensual curves of the male form that extend beyond the frame. A perfect print for those looking for a subtle homoerotic linocut print celebrating queer love and the male body. The linocut was hand-carved and printed using Speedball Professional Block Printing Ink on beautiful Arches Velin BFK Rives (300gsm) printmaking paper with a deckled edge.
Materials: Linocut Print
Date: 2022
Size: 8” x 10”